Conference Services Room Booking Calendar - all

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King's Room/Event Booking Form

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September 2024
ac_lower 15Sep161718192021
ac_upper 15Sep161718192021
bh006_msw 15Sep161718192021
BH102_40 15Sep161718192021
BH103_60 15Sep161718192021
BH107_44 15Sep161718192021
BH109_51 15Sep161718192021
BH112_51 15Sep161718192021
bh_lounge_20 15Sep161718192021
chapel 15Sep161718192021
dl012_55 15Sep161718192021
dl112_boardroom_12 15Sep161718192021
Private Popup
9:00am - 12:00pm
ADO Rounds
Private Popup
2:00pm - 5:00pm
VPAD Committee Meetings
dl114_21 15Sep161718192021
dl130_87 15Sep161718192021
dl_lobby 15Sep161718192021
fb001_10 15Sep161718192021
FB001 ♿
On hold
Private Popup
12:00am - 12:00am
FB001 ♿
On hold
Private Popup
12:00am - 12:00am
FB001 ♿
On hold
Private Popup
12:00am - 12:00am
FB001 ♿
On hold
Private Popup
12:00am - 12:00am
FB001 ♿
On hold
Private Popup
12:00am - 12:00am
FB001 ♿
On hold
Private Popup
12:00am - 12:00am
FB001 ♿
On hold
Private Popup
12:00am - 12:00am
fb003_24 15Sep161718192021
fb110_20 15Sep161718192021
gazebo 15Sep161718192021
int_house 15Sep161718192021
kc004_61 15Sep161718192021
kc005_29 15Sep161718192021
kc006_39 15Sep161718192021
KC008_Killan_Lounge 15Sep161718192021
KC009_Green_Room 15Sep161718192021
kc103_Kenny_Theater_384 15Sep161718192021
Kenny_Theatre ♿
Special Setup
Private Popup
8:00am - 3:30pm
Grief Literacy Symposium
Set up details to come - dry run for the event the next day
Kenny_Theatre ♿
Special Setup
Private Popup
8:00am - 4:00pm
Grief Literacy Symposium
IT: lcdProjectorMAC
Kenny_Theatre ♿
No setup or as is
Private Popup
4:00pm - 10:00pm
Veritas Series - President Lecture
KC106_Garron_Learning_Lounge 15Sep161718192021
Garron_Lounge ♿
Food Service
Private Popup
11:30am - 12:30pm
Community Conversations: Welcome Back
Passive Event
2 tables directly in front of the Kenny Theatre
Food service
Garron_Lounge ♿
Special Setup
Private Popup
8:00am - 3:30am
Set up time for the Grief Literacy Symposium the following day
Garron_Lounge ♿
Food Service
Private Popup
8:00am - 7:00pm
Grief Literacy Symposium
Set up details to come
KC107_Spriet_Learning_Commons 15Sep161718192021
Spriet_Learning_Commons ♿
Special Setup
Private Popup
8:00am - 3:30pm
Set up time for the Grief Literacy Symposium the following day
Spriet_Learning_Commons ♿
Special Setup
Private Popup
8:00am - 7:00pm
Grief Literacy Symposium
Set up details to come
kc119_boardroom_18 15Sep161718192021
Set up Time
Private Popup
7:00am - 7:30am
Set up time
Food Service
Private Popup
7:30am - 9:30am
Foundation Board Meeting and AGM
IT: projector - support needed to get the projector working (not booked)
Private Popup
2:00pm - 3:00pm
IT Meeting
KC203_4 15Sep161718192021
KC204_5 15Sep161718192021
KC205_5 15Sep161718192021
KC207_Games_Room_15 15Sep161718192021
kc218_boardroom_12 15Sep161718192021
kc219_reflection 15Sep161718192021
KC_Courtyard 15Sep161718192021
Special Setup
Private Popup
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Campus Ministry
* Six, 6ft tables with 6 chairs around each table on grass area by trees (in between SLC and LH)
KC_Cram_Family_Lounge 15Sep161718192021
lh100_96 15Sep161718192021
lh101_96 15Sep161718192021
lh103_78 15Sep161718192021
lh105_280 15Sep161718192021
lh105a_70 15Sep161718192021
lh105b_60 15Sep161718192021
lh105c_70 15Sep161718192021
lh105d_30 15Sep161718192021
lh217_boardroom_15 15Sep161718192021
lh220_6 15Sep161718192021
lh_lobby 15Sep161718192021
lh_mezzanine 15Sep161718192021
parking 15Sep161718192021
Reflection_Circle 15Sep161718192021
sa060_61 15Sep161718192021
sa150_124 15Sep161718192021
sa151_124 15Sep161718192021
sports_pad 15Sep161718192021
The_Kings_Greens 15Sep161718192021
On hold
Townhouse123 15Sep161718192021
Townhouse45 15Sep161718192021
Townhouse67 15Sep161718192021
Townhouse8910 15Sep161718192021
Volleyball_Court 15Sep161718192021
w022_computer_lab_14 15Sep161718192021
w143_computer_lab_30 15Sep161718192021
w147_28 15Sep161718192021
w148_46 15Sep161718192021
w164_28 15Sep161718192021
W166_94 15Sep161718192021
W168_94 15Sep161718192021
W170_70 15Sep161718192021
w173_20 15Sep161718192021
W174_60 15Sep161718192021
W175_44 15Sep161718192021
W176_26 15Sep161718192021
W178_24 15Sep161718192021
w_atm 15Sep161718192021
w_caf_ext_50 15Sep161718192021
W_Courtyard 15Sep161718192021
w_dining_192_34 15Sep161718192021
Private Popup
7:00pm - 9:00pm
w_lobby 15Sep161718192021
w_lounge_ext_21 15Sep161718192021
Vitali Lounge
Food Service
Private Popup
5:00pm - 8:00pm
OASW Lifetime Achievement Award Celebration
Reception style for 60
Parking: not booked
2 x 6 foot tables for a L shaped bar against North wall
Vitali Lounge
Food Service
Private Popup
10:00am - 11:30am
KUCSA Meeting
Lecture style for 60
2 X 6 foots at the back of the room for food
IT: microphone, zoom setup and laptop (booked)
w_vitali_student_28 15Sep161718192021
Vitali Student Lounge ♿
Lecture Style
Private Popup
11:30am - 3:30pm
SW3320/9700 Prep Seminars
Lecture style for 60
Vitali Student Lounge ♿
Special Setup
Private Popup
8:30am - 11:30am
SOCIOLOGY 2294 570
Vitali Student Lounge ♿
Private Popup
11:30am - 12:30pm
Community Conversations: Welcome Back
Need seating for 30 people in a circle. Please use the comfy chairs in Vitali if possible.
Food service billed to EDID
Vitali Student Lounge ♿
Special Setup
Private Popup
5:00pm - 8:00pm
OASW Lifetime Achievement Award Celebration
Lecture style for 85
Parking: not booked
IT: mic needed - support requested at 5pm, event starts at 5:30pm (booked)
Vitali Student Lounge ♿
Lecture Style
Private Popup
9:00am - 5:00pm
Student Ambassador Training
Lecture style
Tables and chairs for 30
wemple_200s 15Sep161718192021
wemple_300s 15Sep161718192021
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