Conference Services Room Booking Calendar - otherrooms

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Scheduling Month Week Day Month Week Day Month Week Day Month Week Day Month Week Day
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King's Room/Event Booking Form

June/July 2023
otherrooms 25Jun26272829301Jul
bh006_msw 25Jun26272829301Jul
bh_lounge_20 25Jun26272829301Jul
chapel 25Jun26272829301Jul
dl_lobby 25Jun26272829301Jul
gazebo 25Jun26272829301Jul
int_house 25Jun26272829301Jul
KC009_Green_Room 25Jun26272829301Jul
KC106_Garron_Learning_Lounge 25Jun26272829301Jul
Special Setup
9:00am - 5:00pm
Roberts Retreat
Set up day
Food Service
8:00am - 8:00pm
Roberts Retreat
2 x 3 x tables down the middle of the room for food (2 lines)
2 x tables near the stairs for drinks
1 x table for registration outside of the Kenny
2 x tables for morning coffee break outside of the Kenny
Max seating everywhere else
KC107_Spriet_Learning_Commons 25Jun26272829301Jul
Set up Time
9:00am - 5:00pm
Robarts Research Set Up Day
Clear room out to allow for 11 poster boards coming
Please make sure to remove all furniture that we can
Special Setup
8:00am - 8:00pm
Robarts Retreat
Please clear the room. 11 poster boards coming in.
2 tables for sponsors when you go down the stairs.
KC204_5 25Jun26272829301Jul
KC205_5 25Jun26272829301Jul
KC207_Games_Room_15 25Jun26272829301Jul
kc219_reflection 25Jun26272829301Jul
KC_Cram_Family_Lounge 25Jun26272829301Jul
KC_Green_Room 25Jun26272829301Jul
lh_lobby 25Jun26272829301Jul
Special Setup
7:00am - 1:00pm
North London Baseball Association - Photography
Open concept with 6 tables and 6 chairs in the lobby for photos being taken
Parking Gates Lifted
Special Setup
8:00am - 6:00pm
External - You - Job Fair
YOU staff will be arriving around 2-215, and employers will arrive at 2:30 pm
12 tables (Stations) set - up with 2 chairs at each.
The Mc Donalds booth needs 2 x 6 foots and 4 chairs.
In total 13 tables
Around the outside of the lobby.
lh_mezzanine 25Jun26272829301Jul
lib_instruct 25Jun26272829301Jul
parking 25Jun26272829301Jul
Reflection_Circle 25Jun26272829301Jul
Special Setup
11:00am - 2:00pm
IT Department
2 x 6 foot tables
sports_pad 25Jun26272829301Jul
No setup or as is
1:00pm - 9:00pm
Bike Polo
No setup or as is
6:00am - 9:00pm
King's Pickle Ball Club
No setup or as is
6:00am - 9:00pm
King's Pickle Ball Club
No setup or as is
6:00am - 9:00pm
King's Pickle Ball Club
The_Kings_Greens 25Jun26272829301Jul
Volleyball_Court 25Jun26272829301Jul
w022_computer_lab_14 25Jun26272829301Jul
w143_computer_lab_30 25Jun26272829301Jul
6:30pm - 9:30pm
Psychol 2840f 571
w_atm 25Jun26272829301Jul
w_caf_ext_50 25Jun26272829301Jul
W_Courtyard 25Jun26272829301Jul
w_dining_192_34 25Jun26272829301Jul
w_lobby 25Jun26272829301Jul
w_vitali_student_28 25Jun26272829301Jul
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Mature Student Transition To University
Lecture style 60 people
IT - Mic and projector
Parking - 25 cars
Special Setup
11:30pm - 1:30pm
Wellness Session - Yoga
Open Space in the middle
wemple_200s 25Jun26272829301Jul
wemple_300s 25Jun26272829301Jul
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