Conference Services Room Booking Calendar - otherrooms

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King's Room/Event Booking Form

November 2024
otherrooms 10Nov111213141516
bh006_msw 10Nov111213141516
bh_lounge_20 10Nov111213141516
chapel 10Nov111213141516
dl_lobby 10Nov111213141516
gazebo 10Nov111213141516
int_house 10Nov111213141516
KC009_Green_Room 10Nov111213141516
KC106_Garron_Learning_Lounge 10Nov111213141516
Special Setup
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Fall Volunteering Fair
10 booths with 2 chairs at each around the perimeter of the room
(Jenny will confirm, we may not need this set up depending on how many attend, she is hoping for 25)
Parking: 30 cars in P3 (not booked)
Special Setup
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Therapy Dogs
Open space in the middle
KC107_Spriet_Learning_Commons 10Nov111213141516
Food Service
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Fall Volunteering Fair
10 booths set up around the perimeter of the room with 2 chairs at each
2 X 6 foots under the projector for a food service
Parking: 30 cars in P3 (not booked)
KC204_5 10Nov111213141516
KC205_5 10Nov111213141516
KC207_Games_Room_15 10Nov111213141516
kc219_reflection 10Nov111213141516
KC_Cram_Family_Lounge 10Nov111213141516
KC_Green_Room 10Nov111213141516
lh_lobby 10Nov111213141516
lh_mezzanine 10Nov111213141516
lib_instruct 10Nov111213141516
parking 10Nov111213141516
Reflection_Circle 10Nov111213141516
sports_pad 10Nov111213141516
The_Kings_Greens 10Nov111213141516
Volleyball_Court 10Nov111213141516
w022_computer_lab_14 10Nov111213141516
w143_computer_lab_30 10Nov111213141516
w_atm 10Nov111213141516
w_caf_ext_50 10Nov111213141516
W_Courtyard 10Nov111213141516
w_dining_192_34 10Nov111213141516
w_lobby 10Nov111213141516
w_vitali_student_28 10Nov111213141516
Lecture Style
11:30am - 3:30pm
SW3320/9700 Prep Seminars
Lecture style for 60
Special Setup
8:30am - 11:30am
SOCIOLOGY 2294 570
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Mature Student Coffee Social
Reception style for 40
Special Setup
6:00pm - 8:00pm
FR 3900 Murder Mystery Evening
Individual tables with 4-6 chairs at each (exact numbers and details to come)
wemple_200s 10Nov111213141516
wemple_300s 10Nov111213141516
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