Conference Services Room Booking Calendar - otherrooms

All Rooms Classrooms Meeting Rooms Other Rooms Residences
Scheduling Month Week Day Month Week Day Month Week Day Month Week Day Month Week Day
Setups Month Week Day Month Week Day Month Week Day Month Week Day Month Week Day

King's Room/Event Booking Form

January 2025
otherrooms 12Jan131415161718
bh006_msw 12Jan131415161718
bh_lounge_20 12Jan131415161718
chapel 12Jan131415161718
dl_lobby 12Jan131415161718
gazebo 12Jan131415161718
int_house 12Jan131415161718
KC009_Green_Room 12Jan131415161718
KC106_Garron_Learning_Lounge 12Jan131415161718
No setup or as is
5:00pm - 9:00pm
Author Series
Details to come
KC107_Spriet_Learning_Commons 12Jan131415161718
No setup or as is
5:00pm - 9:00pm
Author Series
Details to come
KC204_5 12Jan131415161718
KC205_5 12Jan131415161718
KC207_Games_Room_15 12Jan131415161718
kc219_reflection 12Jan131415161718
KC_Cram_Family_Lounge 12Jan131415161718
KC_Green_Room 12Jan131415161718
lh_lobby 12Jan131415161718
lh_mezzanine 12Jan131415161718
lib_instruct 12Jan131415161718
parking 12Jan131415161718
Reflection_Circle 12Jan131415161718
sports_pad 12Jan131415161718
The_Kings_Greens 12Jan131415161718
Volleyball_Court 12Jan131415161718
w022_computer_lab_14 12Jan131415161718
w143_computer_lab_30 12Jan131415161718
w_atm 12Jan131415161718
w_caf_ext_50 12Jan131415161718
W_Courtyard 12Jan131415161718
w_dining_192_34 12Jan131415161718
w_lobby 12Jan131415161718
w_vitali_student_28 12Jan131415161718
Special Setup
8:30am - 11:30am
SOCIOLOGY 2294 570
30 classroom chairs in a circle
Set up Time
11:30am - 1:30pm
Set up time
Food Service
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Author Series
Round tables for 30
IT: projector and mic
President and vice president external or academic dean to attend, give a welcome and remarks
Food Service
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Community Conversations
30 chairs in a circle using the comfy chairs in Vitali.
Food service billed to EDID
Food Service
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Mature Student Coffee Social
Reception style for 40
wemple_200s 12Jan131415161718
wemple_300s 12Jan131415161718
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